iot solutions

Architect connected, intelligent businesses with IoT

Stay resilient and responsive to customer expectations with connected products, enterprise systems, and infrastructure built on IoT.

Transform into a smart, fast, and intelligent enterprise

​Evolving customer needs require organizations to become more efficient and productive. Catalyze this transformation with IoT services. 

Seamlessly connect products, people, and systems to generate valuable insights that help you stay responsive, resilient, and steps ahead of their competition. Architect and implement end-to-end secure, commercial ready IoT solutions at scale with HARMAN’s expertise in device, cloud, enterprise applications, and big data analytics. Benefit from improved productivity, asset utilization, better vendor management, servitization capabilities, and a digital workforce experience. 

HARMAN DTS named as LEADER in Provider Lens™ for IoT Services and Solutions Report 2022

Recognized as a leader in Implementation and Integration, Managed Services, Mobile Asset Tracking and Management, and Data Management and AI on the Edge, and rated as a Rising Star for Strategy Consulting.

HARMAN earns top ratings for 6 consecutive years in Zinnov Zones 2021 ER&D and IoT Services

HARMAN bags 12 leader positions in ER&D Services and 3 in IoT Services.

HARMAN DTS Case Studies

Here's how our customers are reimagining what technology can do

Connected spaces with real-time awareness
We helped a leading real-estate player improve tenant experience while boosting productivity by 20% and space utilization by 15% with real-time situational awareness.
Predictive Maintenance with Industrial IoT
We helped a high-tech giant to continuously monitor their equipment to reduce maintenance cost by 40% and TCO by 20%.
Valuable insights from real-time footfall monitoring
We helped a large retailer gauge customer intention and respond relevantly to increase footfall by 30% and sales by 15%.

Our unique capabilities to create transformation

End to End Solution Partner
Sensor-driven insight with Hardware and Software
Strong Partner Ecosystem
Cut deployment cost with certified devices
Our thinking

Unlock new possibilities with HARMAN

What does it take to give technology a new life and transform ordinary experiences into extraordinary?
Reducing barriers to securely deploy enterprise-grade IoT at scale
A building block for IoT platform