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Driving Business Success: The Four Pillars of High-Performing DevOps

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DevOps is a transformative process that fosters collaboration and synergy across operations, development, tools, and business functions, leading to a competitive advantage for organizations.

To adapt to the ever-changing technological landscape, organizations are actively seeking new, faster, and more innovative service delivery structures that align with future solution frameworks. One prominent trend in recent years has been the increased adoption of Agile and DevOps practices, which aim to enhance collaboration, efficiency, and the delivery of reliable, high-quality software solutions.

At HARMAN Digital Transformation Solutions, we support the DevOps culture and have identified four essential pillars that can guide your company's DevOps journey:

DevOps Culture and Mindset

DevOps is more than just a software development methodology; it is a culture that requires the alignment of people, products and processes. To foster effective collaboration, the entire organization should embrace the DevOps mindset. This can be achieved by building trust among teams, encouraging creative problem-solving, avoiding blame, establishing a DevOps cadence, and educating the team on the implications of not following the process.

Adapting Microservices

Traditional monolithic architectures pose challenges in terms of deployment, cost, agility and scalability. In contrast, microservices architecture breaks down large software projects into smaller, independent modules that communicate through APIs. This approach enables organizations to rectify errors independently, deploy services separately, and maintain smaller codebases. Cloud service providers like AWS offer tools such as Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, AWS Fargate and Amazon Lambda to facilitate microservices deployment in the cloud.

Building a Quality-Driven Mindset

In a DevOps organization, quality assurance goes beyond bug identification to preventing them from arising in the first place. Rapid software development, continuous testing, deployment, and monitoring are crucial components of the DevOps SDLC. Automating the deployment process and embracing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) accelerate time to market, improve software quality, and enhance organizational effectiveness. Additionally, implementing quality improvement plans, addressing technical debt, and utilizing code checks and static application security testing (SAST) tools further enhance quality.

Tools and Automation

To support the seamless collaboration required in a DevOps environment, integrating a tool system that helps facilitate communication across the development, testing, and deployment stages is essential. The selection of tools should align with business objectives and help enable efficient collaboration and integration. Cloud service providers like AWS offer a range of tools, including AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CloudFormation, AWS Config, and AWS X-Ray, which help enable the implementation of CI/CD pipelines, monitoring, infrastructure deployment as code and DevSecOps practices. ​

By embracing these four pillars—DevOps culture and mindset, adapting microservices, building a quality-driven mindset, and utilizing tools and automation—organizations can accelerate their software development processes, reduce risk and achieve business outcomes effectively. For more information on HARMAN Digital Transformation Solutions DevOps and Agile services, feel free to contact us.​