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Leverage the best of HARMAN thought leadership on technology-led transformation.


Revolutionizing healthcare through Extended Reality
Revolutionizing healthcare through Extended Reality
The integration of Extended reality (XR) across healthcare i ...
Key trends shaping the future of Cloud FinOps
Key trends shaping the future of Cloud FinOps
The FinOps discipline is constantly evolving alongside the c ...
Profiting from Product End of Life: Sustainable Success Through Product EOL Strategies
Profiting from Product End of Life: Sustainable Success Through Product EOL Strategies
In the competitive and ever-evolving world of product develo ...
HARMAN and Microsoft deliver AI solutions to the aviation and airlines industry
HARMAN and Microsoft deliver AI solutions to the aviation and airlines industry
HARMAN continues to align with key partners to help our join ...
Elevate customer service through AI-powered data analytics
Elevate customer service through AI-powered data analytics
In today's fast-paced, data-driven world, superior customer ...
Transforming data into insights with AWS data analytics
Transforming data into insights with AWS data analytics
In a world where data grows exponentially and insights are c ...
Thinking Through Your AWS Migration? Five Planning Considerations
Thinking Through Your AWS Migration? Five Planning Considerations
Rethinking Healthcare Connectivity with IoMT
Rethinking Healthcare Connectivity with IoMT
The medical devices industry stands at an inflection point. ...
Priyesha Kapadia who is new to HARMAN Digital Transformation ...
5G Applications – Moving From Hype to Execution
5G Applications – Moving From Hype to Execution
5G, Connected Eco Systems, Internet of Things (IoT), Vehicle ...
HARMAN: Aligning with Amazon Web Services DevOps
HARMAN: Aligning with Amazon Web Services DevOps
​HARMAN Digital Transformation Solutions offers an Amazon We ...
Driving Business Success: The Four Pillars of High-Performing DevOps
Driving Business Success: The Four Pillars of High-Performing DevOps
DevOps is a transformative process that fosters collaboratio ...
Security - The Core of Digital Next
Security - The Core of Digital Next
​​Securing digital transformations in an era of growing Inte ...
Accelerate your next VMWare Certification
Accelerate your next VMWare Certification
​​​​​​​​​​With the increased implementation of advanced tech ...
Precision Medicine
Precision Medicine
Most medical treatments are designed for the ‘average patien ...
Enabling enhanced safety and productivity at the workplace with GearUP
Enabling enhanced safety and productivity at the workplace with GearUP
HARMAN Life-ware seeks to offer a solution leveraging the Sa ...
Carpe Diem! Seizing the Brave New World of Digital Infrastructure and Cloud
Carpe Diem! Seizing the Brave New World of Digital Infrastructure and Cloud
Enabling or improving an enterprise’s Digital Connectivity i ...
Navigating No-Code/Low-Code Future Conundrum: Overcome the hype, hunt the optimum
Navigating No-Code/Low-Code Future Conundrum: Overcome the hype, hunt the optimum
No-Code/Low-Code ranks high on IT wish lists - democratizes ...
Embrace the Future of Healthcare with On-demand Delivery and Patient-centric Approach
Embrace the Future of Healthcare with On-demand Delivery and Patient-centric Approach
With consumers becoming increasingly empowered, healthcare o ...
The New Crosswinds Transforming Digital Marketing
The New Crosswinds Transforming Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing programs need to contend with the elephant ...
The Role of Strategic Partnerships in the Next Era of Innovation
The Role of Strategic Partnerships in the Next Era of Innovation
We hear the phrase in business all the time: "it's all about ...
How HARMAN innovates: Solutions that understand life
How HARMAN innovates: Solutions that understand life
At HARMAN Digital Transformation Solutions (DTS), we help bu ...
Reimagining Supply Chains with Robotic Process Automation: 2021 and beyond
Reimagining Supply Chains with Robotic Process Automation: 2021 and beyond
The transformation into digital Supply Chain Management (SCM ...
Leveraging AR and VR to Drive Seamless Customer Experience Across Industries
Leveraging AR and VR to Drive Seamless Customer Experience Across Industries
This blog post talks about some of the key offerings of Augm ...
Online Gaming: Your Subscription to Secure Cloud Streaming
Online Gaming: Your Subscription to Secure Cloud Streaming
For delivering immersive user experiences across the online ...
HARMAN Connected Services Bags Leadership Position in ER&D and IoT Services in Zinnov Zones 2020
HARMAN Connected Services Bags Leadership Position in ER&D and IoT Services in Zinnov Zones 2020
Continued Success in Executing Large Scale Projects Places H ...
Why Cloud-based SaaS Solutions Make the Best Sense for Contract Lifecycle Management
Why Cloud-based SaaS Solutions Make the Best Sense for Contract Lifecycle Management
Can cloud computing solve the challenges of on-premise infra ...
Collaboration tools for Workers Everywhere
Collaboration tools for Workers Everywhere
To reduce turnover rate among key employees, improve team pr ...
Creating Powerful Teams : A guide to get more out of Microsoft Teams
Creating Powerful Teams : A guide to get more out of Microsoft Teams
What if Microsoft Teams can achieve even more in a more purp ...
Crafting a 5G future: What goes into building the cornerstone of interconnectedness?
Crafting a 5G future: What goes into building the cornerstone of interconnectedness?
This blog post talks about the impact of 5G networks on conn ...
Contactless and Conversational Vending Experience: 2020 and Beyond
Contactless and Conversational Vending Experience: 2020 and Beyond
Explore how AI and voice technology integrations are creatin ...
Transformation in Healthcare Technology - 2020 and Beyond
Transformation in Healthcare Technology - 2020 and Beyond
Healthcare organizations around the world are under pressure ...
HARMAN Connected Services recognized as an ‘Innovator’ in Avasant’s Internet of Things Services RadarView™ 2020
HARMAN Connected Services recognized as an ‘Innovator’ in Avasant’s Internet of Things Services RadarView™ 2020
We are connecting people, processes, technologies and device ...
Maintain, Update, Innovate: Lest We Decline!
Maintain, Update, Innovate: Lest We Decline!
Product sustenance not only increases the ROI of an organiza ...
Empowering Next-gen Digital Ecosystems to Engage and Experience Better
Empowering Next-gen Digital Ecosystems to Engage and Experience Better
Uber redefined travel and transport experiences for customer ...
Leapfrog to The ‘Next’ in Healthcare with Reality Technologies
Leapfrog to The ‘Next’ in Healthcare with Reality Technologies
Technological advancements with the ability to fully immerse ...
Preparing Retail to Deliver Next-Gen Experiences
Preparing Retail to Deliver Next-Gen Experiences
In an era where e-commerce giants like Amazon and Flipkart h ...
Blitzscaling into
Blitzscaling into 'Digital Next' World
5G, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Connected World, Customer ...
A $1.29 trillion connected opportunity for businesses
A $1.29 trillion connected opportunity for businesses
Digital businesses are no longer grappling to stay ahead. Ha ...
United, We Win
United, We Win
“2018 was all about getting products into consumers’ homes a ...