digital engineering services

Augment your capabilities with HARMAN Digital Engineering Services

Revolutionize your engineering services with new-age, human centric design, development, testing and consulting, to reach your true business potential.

Build next-gen solutions with extensive engineering services

​Engineer compelling user-experience and personalized products with the latest technologies to go to market faster and ensure global compliance. By bringing together Cloud and Data, design, IoT, wireless technologies, next-gen development, and testing, you can navigate the complexity of new product development and increase the product value from across the product life-cycle management. 

A design-led approach will enable you to seamlessly bridge the world of OEMs and software to IP platforms by helping you move from a physical to a digital world and accelerate your go to market. Our R&D services enable optimized utilization of R&D assets increasing agility and efficiency for your enterprise. We deliver digital engineering and technology solutions to transform everyday experiences​.​

Recognized as a LEADER in ISG’s Digital Engineering Services 2024 Provider Lens US Study - Design and Development

“Combining experience-led, digital-native personalized designs of products and services, HARMAN Digital Transformation Solutions is driving new design ideas.” Tapati Bandopadhyay, Lead Analyst and Research Partner, ISG

Recognized as a LEADER in ISG’s Digital Engineering Services 2024 Provider Lens US Study -Integrated Customer /User Engagement

“Integrated technologies from HARMAN Digital Transformation Solutions accelerate operational transformation cycles for U.S. clients.” Tapati Bandopadhyay, Lead Analyst and Research Partner, ISG

Recognized as a LEADER in ISG’s Digital Engineering Services 2024 Provider Lens US Study -Intelligent Operations

“Integrated digital experience offerings are powered by HARMAN Digital Transformation Solutions services for clients, enabling them to enter new realms of customer support.” Tapati Bandopadhyay, Lead Analyst and Research Partner, ISG

LEADER in ISG’s Digital Engineering Services 2024 Provider Lens US Study -Platforms and Application Services

“Teams at HARMAN Digital Transformation Solutions assist clients in adopting digital-native platform formats for their businesses and operating models, facilitating rapid adaptation.” Tapati Bandopadhyay, Lead Analyst and Research Partner, ISG

“HARMAN DTS' willingness to co-innovate with clients coupled with its end-to-end product development expertise and industry-specific platform IP has earned it a Major Contender position."

- Chunky Satija, Vice President, Everest Group

Recognized as a LEADER

As per ISG Provider Lens™ for IoT Services and Solutions Report 2023

“Clients appreciate its strong domain knowledge, skilled software engineering talent pool, and timeliness of deliverables”

Akshat Vaid, Vice President, Everest Group

HARMAN DTS Case Studies

Here's how our customers are reimagining what technology can do

Building next-gen asset light infrastructure
See how we helped our client digitize various types of documents and reduce turnaround time, minimize process deviation and save cost.
Perfecting product development and design
We helped a leading storage provider design and develop a product best suited for their ecosystem with a sturdy product roadmap.
A detailed blueprint for smart metering
We helped our client go-to-market well-equipped with an engaging UX strategy and a web/mobile SaaS offering blueprint.

Our unique capabilities to create transformation

End-to-End outsourcing solutions
Advanced technology for hardware and software
Rapidly deploy digital solutions
Deliver with the right talent
Our thinking

Unlock new possibilities with HARMAN

What does it take to give technology a new life and transform ordinary experiences into extraordinary?
The art of shipping a great software.
Revamp your subscriber experience.
Connecting the physical world and the digital world: Creating a digital value chain.